We did a very special episode of The Exhaust Port – a Valentine’s Day episode! The esteemed guests are my lovely wife, Katrina Canipe, and one of our very best friends, Indy Harris. After cracking open some wine for the ladies we settled in for over an hour and chatted all about love and relationships in the Star Wars universe. We hit Han & Leia and Anakin & Padme, of course, but we also dug a little deeper and chatted about the potential of a Reylo (gasp) connection, when we are going to see a gay couple on screen, and even whether or not we felt like Jyn & Cassian were in love at the end of Rogue One. Oh, and of course we talked about the hottest characters and actors in all of Star Wars – duh! Give it a listen, I’m sure you’ll be able to tell we had a total blast recording!