The Exhaust Port – Star Wars Collecting, Celebrations, and Forming Friendships via Fandom with Eric Ewton!

Poetically enough, for the 18th episode of The Exhaust Port podcast I am joined by Eric Ewton – a fellow Star Wars friend and avid collector who I happened to meet exactly 18 years ago at the very first Star Wars Celebration! Eric has been a steady contributor to the Dork Side site with his collecting series – Old Fossils and New Acquisitions – and it was amazing to catch up via Skype to get his expert opinion on the state of Star Wars collecting in general, his love of the films, and forming long-lasting friendships and bonds via the Star Wars community.

**Keep in mind this podcast was recorded BEFORE the 5-25-77 film screening and Raleigh Supercon, both of which are mentioned by Todd in the podcast**